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Annual Town Meeting
March 2, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 7:00 pm
The legal voters of the Town of Woodbury, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to cast ballots by mail or hand delivery, or come to the Woodbury Town Hall on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 between 10:00 A.M. and 7 P.M. to vote by Australian Ballot on the following Articles:
Article 1: To elect all town officers required by law:
Moderator – 1 year
Town Clerk – 1 year remaining of a 3-year term
Select Board Member – 3 years
Lister – 3 years
Auditor – 3 years
Auditor – 2 years of a 3-year term
Collector of Delinquent Taxes – 1 year
Cemetery Commissioner – 5 years
Cemetery Commissioner – 2 years of a 5-year term
Library Trustee – 1 year
Library Trustee – 2 years
Library Trustee – 3 Years
Library Trustee – 3 Years
Article 2: Shall the Town appropriate a total of $10,494 to the following Central Vermont area service agencies?
$750 to AWARE (Aid to Women, Men and Children in Abuse and Rape Emergencies)?
$250 to the American Red Cross of NH/VT?
$600 to Central Vermont Adult Basic Education
$750 to the Central Vermont Council on Aging
$300 to the Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation
$2,000 to Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice Inc.
$650 to CIRCLE (Battered Women’s Services)
$100 to the Family Center of Washington County
$484 to Green Mountain Transit
$50 to Green Up Vermont
$750 to Hardwick Community Television
$200 to Our House of Central Vermont
$100 to the People’s Health and Wellness Clinic
$500 to Rural Community Transportation
$200 to MOSAIC (formerly the Sexual Assault Crisis Team)
$200 to Salvation Farms (provides fresh vegetables from VT farms, to food pantries)
$1,000 to the Twin Valley Senior Center
$210 to the Vermont Center for Independent Living
$100 to the VT Rural Fire Protection Task Force for the Dry Hydrant Program
$1,000 to Washington County Mental Health Services
$500 to the Washington County Youth Service Bureau
Article 3: Shall the Town have its taxes paid to the Town Treasurer, as tax receiver, 60 days after tax bills are mailed (estimated due date to be Oct. 28, 2021)? Taxes would then become delinquent and be turned over to the Collector of Delinquent Taxes for collection with a penalty that increases by ½ % per month of delinquency to a maximum of 6% for one full year or more of delinquency, and interest of 6% per year or ½% per month.
Article 4: Shall the Town appropriate $17,850.00 to the Woodbury Volunteer Fire Department, to be added to the truck replacement fund?
Article 5: Shall the Town appropriate $105,297 to fund the operations of the Woodbury Volunteer Fire Department, including the Capital Replacement Fund, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021?
Article 6: Shall the Town appropriate up to $85,000 to the Woodbury Volunteer Fire Department Inc. for the purpose of financing the cost for construction of a new Fire and Emergency Operations center for a total cost of $1,200,000?
Article 7: Shall the Town appropriate $ 205,129 to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Town for general purposes for the period from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022? (This amount does not include the Fire Department requests or the Service Agency requests.)
Article 8: Shall the Town appropriate$ 571,994 to meet the expenses and liabilities of the Town for highway purposes for the period from July 1, 2021to June 30, 2022?
Dated at Woodbury, Vermont this 25th day of January, 2021.
Select Board:
/s/ Michael Gray; Select Board Chair
/s/ Brian Shaney; Select Board Member
/s/ Paul Cerutti; Select Board Member
Received for filing on January 26, 2021
Attest: /s/ Diana Peduzzi; Town Clerk