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Select Board Meeting
November 13, 2023 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Woodbury Select Board Meeting
Monday, November 13, 2023 at 6:00 P.M.
Community Room, Woodbury Town Library
6:00 P.M. Call regular meeting to order
Adjustments to Select Board Agenda
Approve Bills and Payroll Orders
Approve Minutes from the October 23 meeting.
Public Comment (for items not on the agenda)
6:15 P.M. Town Clerk’s Report
6:25 P.M. Town Treasurer’s Report
6:35 P.M. Road Commissioner’s Report – Alfie Larrabee
6:55 P.M. Recovery Officer’s Report – Skip Lindsay
Approve the purchase of a speed radar sign to replace the damaged sign at Sabin Pond. ($4,309 purchase order from TrafficLogix) Installation will be additional. FEMA eligible.
Approve or not the repairs to the County Road Extension. (Estimate ~ $40,000) FEMA eligible as long as they don’t pull the approval for Class 4 roads.
Discuss the permanent repairs to bridges on TH 23 & Th 24. DeWolfe Engineering has provided “Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Costs – Conceptual Pre-Design -Woodbury Bridges” for a total of $1,000,228 for both bridges. Formal open competitive bidding will have to take place prior to any construction.
Appoint Danielle Livellara as the Alternate FEMA Point of Contact, replacing Chris Koteas. Note that as this project matures, the FEMA Alternate designee will need to actively work in the FEMA Grants Portal with an anticipated 15+ hours per week work effort.
7:10 Status of fire alarm system for Community Room/Library – Lizzy is tracking
7:15 Emergency Management Director’s Report – status of antenna installation – is there a contract with Radio North that is ready to be signed?
7: 25 Planning for budget meetings and Planning for Re-appraisal
7:40 Discuss Town Buildings – should the town be pro-active in using insurance money and FEMA money on the Town Office building – to create a useable office space in the basement area? And to incorporate energy saving measures with funding from Efficiency Vermont?
Should the town advertise for a person to manage building renovation efforts for both the Town Office and the Town Hall? Even if the CVRPC Technical Assistance program can offer help to acquire grants for the Town Hall, someone with expertise would have to design and manage the project.
8:00 Adjourn