

Town Treasurer Job Description

Town of Woodbury
P.O. Box 10
Woodbury. VT 05681

I. Job Definition
The Town of Woodbury Treasurer is responsible for all the statutory requirements of a town treasurer, including but not limited to management of all fiscal functions in connection with maintaining the town’s accounts. The Treasurer performs administrative tasks related to collecting revenues, processing accounts payable and payroll, onboarding new employees for benefits, managing town employee benefits and tracking health insurance updates.

This position requires an individual who is detail-oriented and can work effectively with the public, other employees, elected and appointed town officials and volunteers. Must be able to organize and prioritize work effectively and adapt to changing demands. The ability to move from one task to another quickly and efficiently is vital; meeting deadlines is critical.

II. Reporting and Management Structure
The Woodbury Treasurer is an elected position with a three-year term. Between now and next March, the Treasurer will be appointed by the Select Board. The position will be up for election at Town Meeting in March, 2025. As an elected official, the Treasurer does not report to the Select Board but works alongside them.

III. Essential Duties and Responsibilities
The treasurer works with the town’s departments and committees and with the public to implement the requirements of the position. Specific tasks include:
• Maintain the town’s general ledger for all funds.
• Prepare preliminary town budget and assist Select Board in finalizing the budget for voter approval.
• Assist the Select Board in development of the municipal tax rate.
• Process tax bills and mail. Print revised bills as needed due to state or lister changes in order to maintain the accuracy of the collection file.
• Collect taxes and other revenues and make timely deposits.
• Process invoices, prepare checks and warrants for Select Board approval, mail payments and maintain vendor files.
• Ensure timely payment of education taxes to the school district.
• Review and adjust town fund accounts including general fund, highway fund, cemetery commission and library funds and all other town accounts as needed to prepare for monthly account reconciliation, which will be performed by NEMRC.
• Compile timely and accurate financial reports consistent with generally accepted accounting principles for the Select Board for their bi-monthly meetings.
• Execute benefits administration, including onboarding of new town employees and maintaining accurate and complete employment and benefits records.
• Complete weekly payroll for six or more employees and various paid appointees.
• At the direction of the Select Board, complete applications for borrowing funds.
• Attend Select Board meetings and other town-related meetings as requested.
• Comply with all applicable policies, procedures, local ordinances and State and Federal laws in a timely, efficient and accurate manner.
• Ensure that town financial policies and procedures are implemented.
• Attend educational seminars offered by the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT), Vermont Municipal Clerks and Treasurers Association (VMCTA) and any other organizations, as needed or directed.
• Work with elected town auditors to gather and report requested data to successfully complete the audit process annually.
• Other duties as assigned.

IV. Qualifications
Two years of government accounting or bookkeeping experience, or an associate or bachelor’s degree in accounting or a combination of education and experience.
Outstanding written and verbal communication skills with English language fluency.
Ability to read, analyze and interpret technical procedures and governmental regulations. Ability to write reports and business correspondence.
Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from town employees, elected officials and the public.
Command of business-related computer skills. Willingness and ability to learn new programs and to keep pace with best practices and new applications. Specific requirements include:
• Proficiency with accounting software, including but not limited to general ledger, accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll. Experience with NEMRC accounting system desirable.
• Proficiency with Microsoft programs, particularly Word and Excel.
Salary commensurate with experience.
To apply email resume and cover letter to

Emergency Watershed Protection Program Seeking Property Owners Impacted by the 2024 Flooding

The Woodbury Select Board is considering being a sponsor for possible work to be done on sites of “immanent hazard to life and property” within Woodbury, with a focus on flooding issues from the 2024 floods. Funding for this program comes through the Emergency Watershed Protection Program, overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).  Both the municipality of Woodbury and Woodbury property owners are eligible for consideration by the NRCS for possible prevention of future flood damage or threat to public safety. With NRCS approval, the program would pay for all engineering/design costs and for 75% of the construction costs. The program will not pay for the repair of any property damaged by flooding in 2024.

Woodbury residents who are interested, feel they might qualify and/or have questions are encouraged to contact Michael Gray…802-456-1983…  A list of sites will be compiled by the select board and then submitted to the NRCS. After submittal, a representative of NRCS will visit and review the sites and NRCS will later determine what sites qualify for aid within the program.

Hazard Impact Survey-Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Woodbury is in the process of updating its Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Once approved by FEMA, the plan is good for 5 years and the town is eligible for disaster-related funding and cost-savings. As the town embarks on this update process, community input is encouraged and appreciated. An online Hazard Impact Survey is available to collect your experiences and concerns with disaster events. The Hazard Impact Survey is here. If you prefer a paper version of the survey, they are available at the town office.

Click on the link address to access the survey.

Thank you.

Michael Gray

Changes to the Open Meeting Law-Effective July 1, 2024

The Vermont Legislature passed Act 133 (S.55) that amended Vermont’s Open Meeting Law, 1 V.S.A. effective July 1, 2024.

Highlights of Act 133 (S.55) include:

  • permits “advisory bodies” – those that do not have supervision, control, or jurisdiction over legislative, quasi-judicial, tax, or budgetary matters – to meet electronically without a physical meeting location (i.e., remotely);
  • requires all other public bodies (i.e., “nonadvisory bodies”) to record, in audio or video form, their meetings and post the recordings in a designated electronic location for a minimum of 30 days following the approval and posting of the official minutes of the meeting which was recorded;
  • allows all public bodies to meet remotely in response to a state of emergency or “local incident”;
  • requires all public bodies to provide local residents, members of the press, or members of the body itself electronic/telephonic or in-person meeting access options to a regularly scheduled meeting, if requested (unless it causes an undue hardship);
  • requires a municipality to post on its website (if it maintains one):
  • an explanation of the procedures for submitting notice of an Open Meeting Law violation to the public body or the Attorney General; and
  • a copy of the text of 1 V.S.A. § 314; and
  • imposes annual training requirements on selectboard chairs, town managers, and mayors.

Here’s a link to the text of 1 V.S.A.  § 314:

Here’s a link 1 V.S.A. § 310:

Procedures for submitting notice of an Open Meeting Law violation to the public body or Attorney General may be found in the  “Records”- “Ordinances”  section of this website.

Town-Wide Reappraisal Request for Proposal

 The Town of Woodbury has been ordered by the Vermont Department of Taxes to complete a complete reappraisal of real estate parcels in the town.  Based on the results of its 2022 Equalization Study, the COD in Woodbury was calculated to be 20.27% which is outside of the acceptable parameters.  The CLA was 85%.

The Town is requesting bids from qualified, licensed reappraisal contractors to work with the Woodbury Board of Listers to complete a town wide reappraisal that will become part of the grand list for Woodbury, at a date to be determined, and lodged in the abstract Grand List.

Here’s a link to the RFP:

Your completed bid must be in a sealed envelope addressed to the Chair of the Woodbury Select Board, PO Box 10, Woodbury, Vermont 05681.  Your bid must be received in the Woodbury Town Office no later than March 11, 2024.  Bids will be opened at the next Selectboard meeting.  The appointed committee will review the bids and make a recommendation to the Select Board.  The Woodbury Select Board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.   Please do not e-mail your proposals.

Dog License(s) Due By April 1, 2024


All towns in Vermont require that every dog six months or older be licensed annually by April 1 with the town clerk of the town where the dog is kept. To license a dog you must provide the town clerk with a certificate signed by a duly licensed veterinarian stating that the dog has received a current rabies vaccination approved by the state. Further information is available in Vermont Statues [20 V.S.A. § 3581  ( c )(2)]. The fee for a spayed or neutered animal is $9 and $13 for an intact animal. Dogs registered late (after April 1) are $11 and $17 including a late fee.

The license tag provided for your dog’s collar serves two important purposes:

  1. It bears an individual tag number, important information should your pet become lost or stolen.
  2. For an officer of the law, a current tag documents that your dog is vaccinated for rabies and will not be destroyed.

Licensing your dog with the town clerk each year is a state requirement and a civic duty to ensure the health and safety of the residents of the Town of Woodbury when dealing with dog issues.  Licensing your dog also provides the Town with information to ensure that lost dogs may be reunited with their owner. A portion of the fee contributes to state-wide rabies clinics and a low-cost spay & neuter program.

If you have already licensed your dog, Thank You. If not, please do so at the Town Office as soon as possible. Office hours are Monday – Thursday 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. and on Tuesday evenings from 6 P.M. – 8 P.M. You may call the office at 802-456-7051 for details on the process. You also can mail or drop off a check (Town of Woodbury) and current rabies certificate (if needed)  to the office and we will mail you a license and tag. The mailing address:

Town of Woodbury

PO Box 10

Woodbury, VT  05681

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Robin Durkee, Woodbury Town Clerk