The Select Board’s regular meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, at 6 p.m., in the Library Community Room (unless otherwise specified in the agenda).
Select Board members are:
– Diana Peduzzi, chair – 802.472.6698,
– Chris Casey – 802.522.6471
– Lizzy Higgins – 802.595.0773,
Here are Select Board Agendas and Minutes
Hardwick Community Television records Woodbury Select Board meetings, which may be viewed here.
Most Select Board meetings are accessible via Zoom (check Agenda for a specific meeting) at this link:
Passcode: Woodbury
Or, one tap mobile:
Or, dial:
+1 646 931 3860 US
Meeting ID: 858 7993 8541
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The Select Board is at the center of Woodbury town government, responsible for general supervision of town affairs. It has a number of functions, including legislative (enacts town ordinances, regulations and policies), and executive/administrative (prepares the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises town employees, and controls town buildings and property). It also does work that is quasi-judicial, such as determining private rights when the town is laying out and reclassifying town highways. Woodbury has a three-member Select Board, elected by Woodbury voters at Town Meeting for staggered terms of three years.