Category: Uncategorized
Town Meeting – March 1
Woodbury’s annual Town Meeting will be Saturday, March 1, at 10 a.m. in the Woodbury Elementary School Gymnasium. Warning, Notice to Voters, and Town Report here.
Select Board – MINUTES – Jan 21 meeting
Select Board – MINUTES – Jan 13 meeting
Pie Breakfast: March 22
The Woodbury Community Library’s 22nd Annual Pie Breakfast will be Saturday, March 22, from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. More info here.
PLEASE NOTE: An increase in dog licensing fees effective January 1, 2025
All towns in Vermont require that every dog six months or older be licensed every year beginning on January 1 to April 1 with the town clerk of the town where the dog is kept. To license a dog you must provide the town clerk with a certificate signed by a duly licensed veterinarian stating that the dog has received a current rabies vaccination approved by the state. Further information is available in Vermont Statues [20 V.S.A. § 3581 ( c )(2)]. The fee for a spayed or neutered animal is $11 and $15 for an intact animal. The fee for dogs registered after April 1 is $13 and $19 which includes a late fee.
The license tag provided for your dog’s collar serves two important purposes:
1. It bears an individual tag number, important information should your pet become lost or stolen.
2. For an officer of the law, a current tag documents that your dog is vaccinated for rabies and will not be destroyed.
Licensing your dog with the town clerk each year is a state requirement and a civic duty to ensure the health and safety of the residents of the Town of Woodbury when dealing with dog issues. Licensing your dog also provides the Town with information to ensure that lost dogs may be reunited with their owner. A portion of the fee contributes to state-wide rabies clinics and a low-cost spay & neuter program. In the 2024 session, the Vermont Legislature increased the fee to be collected for the rabies control program as part of licensing dogs and wolf-hybrids by $2 effective January 1, 2025.
Town Clerk Office hours are Monday – Thursday 9 A.M. – 1 P.M. and on Tuesday evenings from 6 P.M. – 8 P.M. You may call the office at 802-456-7051 for details on the process. You also can mail or drop off a check (Town of Woodbury) and current rabies certificate (if needed) to the office and we will mail you a license and tag. The mailing address:
Town of Woodbury
PO Box 10
Woodbury, VT 05681
Thank you for licensing your dog(s)!
Robin Durkee, Woodbury Town Clerk
Town Report Photos
Last call for photos for the Town Report. Send along to John Reid. Thanks for folks who have sent theirs.
Town Office Holidays Closing
The Town Office will be closed the week of Christmas, Dec 23-27, 2024, and Jan 1, 2025. I will be checking emails.
Happy Holidays
Request for Proposal: Woodbury Town Hall Roof
The Town of Woodbury, Vermont is issuing an RFP for the replacement of the roof on the Woodbury Town Hall. Qualified bidders will be fully insured, review all bid documents and do a site visit. Bid documents are available on the Town of Woodbury website ( and at the Woodbury Town Office (1672 Route 14, Woodbury, VT 05681).
Town Treasurer Search
Town of Woodbury, Vermont
Town Treasurer Search
The Town of Woodbury is in search of a Town Treasurer, to replace the current treasurer, who plans to resign from the post in the near future. This is an elected office with a three-year term. A successful applicant will be appointed for now and will stand for election next March.
The Treasurer manages all of the town’s financial operations, from payroll, bill paying, billing and collecting taxes, banking and reporting, to working with the Select Board to develop budgets and the town report. Experience with government accounting and NEMRC would be a plus but training will be offered by the current Treasurer. Familiarity with modern office systems is a must.
Woodbury residents will receive priority but town residency is not required. This is a 20-22 hours per week (4 days) job that allows one to work close to home and be of great service to the community. The position will be open until filled. The starting date is flexible. A job description can be obtained upon request. Send your letter of interest to